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                                                             GSCA Membership

Regular membership is available to those 50 years of age and older.  Membership entitles individuals to take part in member activity groups, vote and hold office as a Board Director.  Those less than 50 years of age may join as Associate Members but are not eligible to vote or serve as a Board Director.


Fees and Charges

       New Members:

                $20 for a full year for members joining during the first quarter (January - March);

                $15.00 for members joining during the second quarter (April - June);

                $10.00 for members joining during the third quarter (July - September); and

                $5.00 for members joining during the fourth quarter (October - December.

        Renewals - $20.00/year

Usage fee per visit:

       To be paid by users in member group activities.

       Members $2.00 Non-members $5.00

NOTE: User groups may allow new group members or visitors one free session.

All membership renewals are due January 1st and at the latest, prior to the Annual General Meeting. Only paid up members are allowed to vote at the AGM.

How to submit your completed Membership Form and Applicable fees

1.  Fill in the Membership Form by clicking on the red link above.  Print the form and place it together with the applicable fees in the Drop Box at the Rollo Centre; or
2. Mail the completed application and appropriate fees to:

          Gabriola Senior Citizens Association
          P.O, Box 181
          Gabriola, BC V0R 1X0 
 3.  Fill in the Membership Form below and submit.  Applicable fees can sent as per the "Payment" instructions on the form.
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